NoFollow Simple

This browser extension will outline all no-followed links on webpages. Extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.

Browser Support


  • outlines nofollow, ugc, and sponsored links (inks marked with rel="nofollow", rel="ugc" or rel="sponsored") on web pages
  • very lightweight on resources
NoFollow Simple Screenshot
NoFollow Simple Screenshot


NoFollow Simple

Extension "NoFollow Simple" will outline all nofollow, ugc, and sponsored links on webpages, outline is visible in the form of red dashed lines around anchor text or image. Like its name says, this extension is a simpler version of my other NoFollow extension which has more advanced features and is more configurable.

If you've already installed the extension and don't know how it works, you can go to the NoFollow Test page that will show you the basics.


Safari Notes

You need to have at least Safari v5.1 for this extension to work.